Batkid Saves The Day! Make-a-Wish Transforms San Francisco Into Gotham City

A great story that generated so much positive energy!

Info From the San Francisco Make-A-Wish Foundation

By the Numbers: (Nov 2013)
People who RSVP’d to volunteer via our website: 16,077
Estimated size of the crowd at City Hall: approximately 20,000
Number of #SFBatkid/#Batkid tweets generated (through Sunday 11/17): 545,576
% of all tweets coming from outside US: 13%
Number of countries where Batkid was discussed: 117 
% of all tweets that were deemed “positive”: 96%
Total Twitter Potential Reach: 777,453,544
Total Twitter Potential Impressions: 1,816,783,718
Number of Instagram photos with #SFBatkid: 16,000
Total Instagram potential reach: 19.5 million
Total Instagram potential impressions: 23.6 million
Number of hits per second to all Make-A-Wish websites during peak: 1,400
Number of staff in the Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area office: 23 full time; 4 part time
Number of wishes granted by our chapter each year: approximately 350


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